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[KoreaHerald]Mongolia-born woman elected to local council - 게시글 상세보기
[KoreaHerald]Mongolia-born woman elected to local council
작성자 관리자 조회 3460 등록일 2010/06/04

Mongolia-born woman elected to local council

An immigrant has won a seat at the Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly in Wednesday’s local elections, becoming the first to be elected as a politician here. 

Lee Ra, a 33-year-old woman originally from Mongolia, was nominated as the No. 1 proportional representative of the ruling Grand National Party and was elected as a Gyeonggi councilor on Wednesday.

“I felt more nervous when I first received the ballot paper than when I got my resident registration card,” she said, pledging to make policies supporting immigrant women and their children. 
Lee Ra (right) poses after being nominated as a proportional representative of the ruling Grand National Party last month. Yonhap News

“Election campaigning was not easy because it was my first time. But my husband and family and neighbors helped me a lot. I’ll do my best not to disappoint immigrants here,” she said. 

After marrying a Korean man in 2004, she became a naturalized Korean citizen in 2008. 

Lee, who serves as vice president of an immigrant wives’ network in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, received the Justice Ministry’s citation in 2008 for her contribution to multicultural families. 

She is currently studying industrial design at Shingu University in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province. 

It was the first time that a naturalized person has become a local assembly member since 1955 when the local election system was implemented in Korea. 

Considering the growing number of immigrant voters in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, six immigrants had been nominated for proportional representatives in the June 2 local elections this year.

As of late 2009, a total of 125,087 marriage immigrants were registered in Korea. Of them, 32,578 were residing in Ansan, Suwon and Bucheon in Gyeonggi Province. 

Including the votes of their spouses, more than 60,000 multicultural voters are estimated to be in the Gyeonggi region alone. 

According to the National Election Commission, 88,000 naturalized citizens and 12,899 foreign nationals who have been permanent residents for more than three years had the right to vote in the Wednesday elections.  

By Lee Ji-yoon  (jylee@heraldm.com)
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