[Homework] 10월 21일 - 게시글 상세보기
[Homework] 10월 21일 |
작성자 |
청주센터 |
조회 |
2851 |
등록일 |
2015/10/22 |
첨부 |
* Sean 샘 숙제
1) Students should type their next and final article for their magazine. This article should wrap up all of their findings and opinions. Students can use what they learnt in class and check the PPT on the homepage.
(세번째, 즉 마지막 기사 타이핑하여 올리기, 10/19 숙제 공지 첨부 파일 참조)
(10/26, 월 전까지 홈페이지 탑재)
2) Students must pull together different pictures/images/illustrations that they want to go into their magazine articles. Also, they must choose a design/scheme for their magazine articles that includes specific colours etc to show off their individuality.
* Ryan 샘 숙제
- Practice and prepare the cue cards if you want to use. (토론 준비해오고 연습해오기, 필요하다면 큐카드 준비)