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여름방학 숙제 3 - Sean's HW - 게시글 상세보기
여름방학 숙제 3 - Sean's HW
작성자 청주센터 조회 3251 등록일 2015/07/27

Gifted homework for the summer break
Students must make an outline for their project work; magazines. Throughout the semester you will achieve everything on this outline. This must include;


  • Main topic; what was your choice? Do you want to change your topic? Remember that it cannot be the same as anyone else’s. You can choose a topic that we did not mention in class, so long as you let Sean or Sue teacher know as soon as possible.


  • 4 articles; you should choose 4 things to write about. The format of your articles should be as follows;
    • - Main story/cover story
    • - Opinion piece (from your opinion or from someone else’s)
    • - Something different (cartoon, review, report)
    • - Ending piece. This will wrap up the whole of the magazine

Remember that one of your pieces has to be a journalistic piece. This means that you need to go outside and investigate something by yourself. If you cannot do that then you need to make it seem like you have. For example, writing an article about going to Hawaii even if you haven’t.

  • The content; you need to write a description about what is going into each of your articles. This should be at least a few sentences. It should describe what kind of piece it is and the content.

Students must write up their outline in bullet point form. They must use the worksheet they filled out last lesson for help. Remember to be as descriptive as you can.
This will help you for the rest of the semester! 
Outlines will be reviewed after the summer break. 

< Magazine Outline 작성해오기 >
1. Main topic : 수업시간에 고른 것과 다른 경우, Sue샘에게 연락할 것
2. 4 Articles : 쓸 것을 네 가지 골라야 함. 위에 적혀 있는 것 확인할 것
3. 한 가지는 반드시 Journalistic이어야 함.
4. Outline 개조식으로 작성할 것(유인물 참조하여 작성) - 최대한 자세히 기술


다음글, 이전글 보기
다음글 Research Paper에 관하여
이전글 여름방학 숙제 2 - Research paper
  • 로그인 또는 실명 인증 후 만족도 서비스를 이용 하실 수 있습니다.
부서명 : 충청북도국제교육원 교수팀
연락처 : 043-251-8716~8