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Feedback for the open class rehearsal - 게시글 상세보기
Feedback for the open class rehearsal
작성자 청주센터 조회 3133 등록일 2015/06/12

Feedback for the open class rehearsal
Sean 선생님이 여러분의 리허설 비디오를 다시 한 번 보고 장시간에 걸쳐 피드백을 해주었습니다. 확인하여 여러분의 발표가 더 좋은 것이 되길 바랍니다.  General Comments와 개별 피드백을 확인해보세요.  한글 번역은 조언부분만 간단하게 달았으니, 반드시  Sean샘의 긍정적인 피드백을 영어로 읽어주세요.
여러분은 충분히 잘하고 있으니,  넘 걱정하지 말고 힘내요. :0

첨부파일에 C반 PPT를 수정하여 올립니다. 확인하기 바랍니다.
General comments (전체가 읽어야  내용)
Do not look at the TV too much (TV 모니터를 너무 많이 보지 마세요)
Address your audience (발표시엔 청중을 향해야 합니다)
Use body language i.e. hand gestures (손동작 같은 바디랭기지를 사용하세요)
Do not point with the clicker (클리커를 지시봉처럼 사용하지 마세요)
Do not laugh at others giving their speech unless there is a joke  (다른 사람의 발표시 그것이 농담이 아니라면웃는 것은 예의가 아닙니다)
Listen carefully to others speeches  (다른 사람의 발표에 경청하세요)
Breathe between each sentence (문장 사이에 숨쉬면서 하세요)
Relax. You can use time to think about what you need to say if you need to
(편안하게 발표하세요기억이 나지 않으면 여유를 가지고 생각하면 됩니다)
C class

Jenny; your speech was good and your body language was very positive. You introduce the topic very well. However, you were looking at the TV too much and you were speaking for just 1 minute and 20 seconds. Please try to add some more to your speech. Speak slower and add some more information. (모니터 많이 보지 말 것, 내용 추가하면 좋겠음, 천천히 말할 것)

Cherry; your speech was very good in terms of fluency and information. Please check your grammar. You were ‘very bored’, not ‘very boring’. Your speech was 1 minute 30 seconds and you spoke too quickly. (문법 체크 요망, 천천히 말할 것)

Mandy; your speech was spoken with a relaxed tone which is very good. You should speak as slow as you want. However, you need to check your grammar. Also, your speech was 1minute and 20 seconds so you need to add more information please. (문법 체크 요망, 내용 추가하면 좋겠음)

Matthew; your speech was given in a very confident manner and you spoke very well. You should not look at the TV so much and you need to work on your speech content. It was only 1 minute long and it seemed like you did not know very much about your movie. Please try to add more information and more time to your speech. I understand if you could not remember. (모니터 많이 보지 말 것, 내용 추가하면 좋겠음)

Lucy; your speech was very good. You should try to speak slower because I couldn’t catch some of the things you said. Your speech was 2 minutes long but you could speak for longer. Try to relax when giving a speech and do not look at the TV so much. Do not point the clicker at the TV.  (천천히 말할 것, 모니터 많이 보지 말 것, 클리커로 TV 가리키지 말 것)

Jessica; You speech was given in a very loud and fluent manner. You need to check your grammar. Your PPT also needs some changing but I will do that for you. You should use the word ‘secondly’ instead of ‘second of all’. Try to relax when you give your speech because you speak very well. (문법 체크요망, PPT 수정, 연결사 확인, 너무 긴장하지 마세요)

Julie; You have a very good voice when giving a speech. You were looking at the TV too much, however. When you ask a question, pause. You can answer after a few seconds. Your speech was 1 minute and 40 seconds long. If you speak slower you can reach 2 minutes. Try to add a little bit more to your speech.  (모니터 많이 보지 말 것, 질문할 때는 잠깐 쉼을 가지고 대답할 것, 천천히 말하고 약간의 내용 추가도 좋겠음)

Jennifer; your speech was very good and had lots of information about different things. You should try to talk more professionally. You are very relaxed and speak very fluently, which is good. However, you should try to talk with more persuasion. Remember, you should convince your audience. Your speech was 1 minute and 50 seconds long so try to add a little bit more. Also, are your points about England or about Britain? You should mention the difference. (좀더 설득력있는 모습을 보여줬으면 좋겠음. 약간의 내용추가도 좋겠음. 포인트가 England인지, Britain인지 정확치 않아서 차이점을 확실히 하면 좋겠음)

Daniel; you speak very fluently and your speech is quite good. However, you speak too quickly and you refer to your PPT too much. How are American sports better or more interesting than English/British sports? Your speech was nearly 2 minutes long but you need to change some of it. Please use these comments when changing your speech. (천천히 말하고 PPT 너무 많이 보지 말 것, 미국스포츠가 영국스포츠보다 어떻게 더 흥미로운지 들어갔으면 하고, 내용 변경이 필요하겠음)

June; you started your speech very well. It sounded very good. You need to look at your audience more and add more information to your speech. You did 1 minute and 20 seconds. (청중을 보면서 할 것, 내용 추가가 필요하겠음)

Jenny; your speech was ok but you need to speak slower and louder. You can break if you need to. Think about what you need to say. Breathe between each sentence. You spoke for 1 minute and 20 seconds so you need to add more and speak slower please. (좀 더 천천히, 크게 할 것, 필요하면 무슨 얘기를 할지 생각할 시간을 가져도 됨, 문장마다 숨쉴 것, 내용 추가가 필요하겠음)

Alice; the pace of your speech was very good. You speak slow and consider every word which is good. However, you need to talk about why British food is better than American food. You cannot write on your hand for the open class. Your speech was 1 minute long so add more information please. (왜 영국음식이 미국음식보다 좋은지 말할 필요 있음, 공개수업날 손에 쓰지 않도록, 내용 추가가 필요하겠음)

Tina; your PPT is too long but I can fix that. Your voice was very good and you have lots of very useful information. You should only mention the things you want to do in the Netherlands i.e. do not mention drinking beer. Your speech was 1 minute and 50 seconds so you should talk slower. Do not look at your PPT so much. Try to talk to your audience more. However, you should refer to your PPT sometimes. (PPT 길어서 수정할 것임, 천천히 말하고 PPT 너무 많이 보지 말 것)

Flora; your speech was OK but you need to work on fluency. Please don’t laugh when you give your speech. I know it is difficult but you need to try to take it seriously. You need to work on your speech information. Add more things about Hawaii please. You should use the words ‘first of all’ and ‘in the second week’. Please check your grammar. Your speech was 1 minute and 40 seconds long so you need more. (발표하다 웃지 않기, 발표 내용 다시 한 번 점검하여 하와이에 대한 내용 추가할 것, 문법 체크 요망)

Andy; your speech was very good. Your voice was good and you have a lot of information. Do not stare at the TV too much. Your fluency was good and some of the things you said were funny, which is very good. Your speech was 2 minute and 30 seconds long so you do not need to add anymore but focus on how you present yourself. (TV 너무 많이 보지 말 것, 발표시 농담 들어간 것 좋았음, 발표 연습만 충분히 하면 되겠음)
D class

Lego; you look at the TV too much. Your speech was too quiet. Take a break if you need to. I know you forgot your speech so you need to work on remembering it. Your knowledge is good and I know you can do better next time. You did 1 minute so you need to make sure you do more for open class. (TV 많이 보지 말고 좀 더 크게 발표할 것, 암기해올 것)

Henny; your speech was given quite well. Focus on pronunciation; how do you say zombie? Can you remember superhero next time? Do not use your clicker to point please. Please check your grammar. You managed 1 minute and 55 seconds but a lot of that was silent. You need to add more and you need to remember your speech for open class. (발음 신경쓸 것, 클리커로 가리키지 말 것, 문법체크 및 내용 점검 요망)

Alice; your speech was very good and I can tell you did a lot of work for it. Try not to be so nervous. If you are then you are likely to forget what to say. Your body language and hand gestures are very good and you look at your audience. Your speech was 2 minutes and 50 seconds long but that was because you paused a lot. It is ok if you want to pause and think about what to say. Do not worry about that. Please try to remember your speech for next time. Other than that you did a very good job. (너무 긴장하지 말 것)

Jenny; you speech was ok. You pause when needed which is good. You need to look at your audience more and try to speak louder. Also, please do not look at the TV. Other than that, try to work on your speech a little more. You managed 1 minute and 30 seconds. (청중을 더 많이 보고 좀 더 크게 발표할 것, 발표내용 한 번 더 점검 요망)

Kristen; your speech was very good in terms of eye contact and posture. Your speech was 2 minutes and 25 seconds long which is a good length. All you need to do is try to speak a little louder and breathe between each sentence. Do not use the word dynasty when talking about British history. Instead, use the word monarchy when referring to the Queen or the Royal Family. (좀 더 크게 발표하고 문장 사이에 숨쉴 것, 영국 역사 발표 때 dynasty 단어 사용하지 말 것- monarchy가 좋음)

Kimberly; your speech was much more improved compared to last time. You need to talk louder and pause between sentences. You can look at the PPT when needed but not so much. Do not read each public holiday out loud. Just try and focus on 2 or 3 holidays and give some information about them. Remember, you are comparing American and British culture so you need to mention British holidays too and why they are not as interesting or special.  (좀 더 크게 말하고 문장 사이에 숨쉴 것, PPT 너무 많이 보지 말 것, 공휴일 부분에서 열 개 다 언급할 필요는 없음, 2-3개만 언급하고 그것에 대한 정보 하면 좋겠음. 영국과 미국 문화를 비교해서 미국을 선택했다는 얘기가 들어가야 함. 따라서 왜 영국 휴일이 별로 특별하지 않은지 덧붙이면 됨)

Edward; your speech was very well presented. You had a good smile and you seemed confident throughout. Remember not to look at the TV so much. You need to compare British and American culture together. Make sure you do not talk about the same thing that Jecky is talking about i.e. sports. Please use the term roast dinner instead of roast beef. Your speech was 2 minutes and 20 seconds so you do not need to add much more. (TV 너무 많이 보지 말 것, 영국, 미국 문화 비교할 필요 있음, Jecky가 얘기한 것과 같은 내용은 하지 않길 바람. Roast beef 대신 roast dinner 사용하기)

Jason; your speech was spoken with good confidence and fluency. It is always ok to stop and start. Do not worry about taking a break. You did a good job of that. How do American sports compare with British/English sports? You need to add this to your speech. Your speech was 1 minute and 45 seconds so add more please. (미국 스포츠와 영국 스포츠를 비교하는 내용이 추가되어야 함)

Jecky; your speech content was very good. You compared British and American sports very well. However, you speak too quickly. Your speech was only 1 minute and 30 seconds because you spoke so quickly. Maybe you should add some more content. People ‘call’ it football; they don’t ‘tell’ it football. Make sure you know how to use the word Britain and British. Other than that your speech was very good. (좀 더 천천히 말할 것, 내용 추가되면 좋겠음, Britain과 British 구별하여 사용하기)

Ivy; your speech was very good and very well made. You have good body language and a good smile. You need to speak a little slower and you look at the TV too much. Please check your grammar. When you ask a question you must pause before answering it. Other than that it was very good. Your speech lasted 1 minute and 50 seconds. (좀 더 천천히 말하고 TV 너무 보지 말 것, 문법체크요망, 질문 있을땐 대답하기 전에 쉼을 둘 것)

Jun; your speech about France had a lot of information and I can see why you want to go there. However, you need to focus on how you present yourself. You speak too quietly and too quickly. Take 1 second break after each sentence. Try to look at your audience (or at the back of the class). Also, do not say ‘err’ if you cannot think of what to say. (좀 더 천천히, 크게 말할 것, 문장마다 숨쉴 것, 청중을 보고 하고, 말 중간에 ‘어~’ 말하지 말 것)

Sunny; your speech started out very well and very confidently. You should not point at the TV. When you are giving your speech try to stand straight and look forward. In other words, do not look at the TV so much. Your speech was 1 minute and 45 seconds long so maybe you should try to add a little more to your speech. Find some more information about Canada and about Toronto. (TV 가리키지 말 것, 똑바로 서서 정면을 볼 것, TV 너무 많이 보지 말 것, 내용추가 요망)

Rebecca; your speech was very positive and your voice was perfect in terms of how loud it was and your pronunciation. However, you look at the TV too much. Also, you talk too much about the attractions. Try to find something else to talk about. Only mention a few of them in great detail. Other than that it was very good. Your speech lasted 2 minutes and 45 seconds which is a good amount. (TV 너무 많이 보지 말 것, 관광지 얘기가 너무 많아서 다른 내용 대체했으면 좋겠음.

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