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[Homework] 6월 1일 - 게시글 상세보기
[Homework] 6월 1일
작성자 청주센터 조회 3957 등록일 2015/06/02

* Ryan샘 숙제
Students must rewrite their story page for next class. Try to use the suggestions you received from your partner in class.
- 6/1(월)에 친구로부터 받은 피드백을 이용하여 스토리 페이지를 다시 써올 것반드시 홈페이지 탑재 바람 (또는 유에스비 이용 파일 제출 필수)
- Ryan 선생님은 6/3(수)에 여러분이 제출하는 Story를 편집하여 하나의 storybook을 만드실 것입니다. 이것을 공개수업일에 여러분에게 나눠줄 예정이니, 반드시 숙제해올 수 있도록 합니다. 여러분이 성실하게 해오면, 늘 여러분의 글에 코멘트해주고 편집까지 최선을 다하는 선생님께 큰 힘과 기쁨을 선사할 것입니다. 우리 중등 영재, 잘할 거에요!! 파이팅!!

* Sean샘 숙제
공개수업일에 있을 발표 리허설이 6/3()에 있을 예정이니 준비해오세요.
여러분의 발표에 포함할 내용이 아래에 있으니, 반드시 읽고 발표할 수 있도록 준비해옵니다.
같은 내용을 파일로 첨부해두었으니 출력하여 참고해도 됩니다.
6/10(수) 공개수업일 발표는 cue card를 보거나 선생님의 도움 없이 외워서 진행하는 발표입니다. 처음 대본부터 최종 발표까지 최선을 다해 준비해주길 바랍니다.
(Sean 선생님이 이번 공개수업을 위해 지도안도 여러 번 바꾸고 조별 구성원 선정부터 아래 지시사항을 적는 일까지 노력을 많이 하셨습니다. 반드시 확인하여 멋진 발표가 될 수 있도록 함께 노력합시다. 믿습니다, 중등 영재!! 파이팅!!!!)
1. Movie 발표자
1) Idea - genre, story
Students must talk about what they did once they got in their group. How did they divide roles? What role did you play? Talk about the lesson on genres and what you learnt about genres. Talk about how you chose a genre and how you came up with an idea from that genre. The general idea is for students to talk about how they got from the beginning to coming up with an idea for a movie.
2) Style - theme, how it looks
What happens in your story generally? link the story with the genre and how it looks i.e. why does it look a certain way? Where is the location of your movie i.e. the setting? why did you choose that place? why did you choose a certain genre for your movie? and why did your movie look dark, light, colourful, scary....etc. Think about the descriptive words for your movie and why it looks that way. For example, horror movies are dark and scary.
3) Script and recording
How did you do the script? how did you come up with the characters? did you just use dialogue? did you use description as well? why? how did the recording go? did it go as you planned? what worked well on camera? what didn't work well on camera? did you have enough time to practise? what would you do differently next time? Did you like watching the video back again? why or why not?
4) Advertising
Who will watch the movie? old/young/boys/girls? why will that kind of people like it? explain, in depth, why certain people will like our movie. don't just say 'because it's fun'. is the movie a big budget or small budget? where will you advertise? what area? how will you advertise? posters/newspapers/tv/radio? show examples that relate to your movie. for example, if your movie is a sci-fi movie then show some sci-fi advertisements.
2. American and British Culture 발표자
The first student to speak must use an opening statement for which culture they prefer. Then they must talk about one of these parts of the culture;
1) Food and drink;
Name 3 foods and drinks that you like, why you like it and why it is typically American/British. Why is American cuisine better than British cuisine? or the other way around? Name all of the food and drinks you like and mention why that means it is better than the other countrys'. What about the history of the food? i.e. where it originates from.... Mention the food and drink you had in homeroom day class.
2) History;
American and British history is very rich and very special. if you do any research about certain things you will find many things to talk about. For example, war, history of the people, history of the language, the connection to South Korea, etc etc. lots of things! You should talk about the history you learnt in Ryan Teacher and Sean Teachers' homeroom day.
3) Sports
There are many famous and popular sports, both in the UK and in the U.S.A. You should mention the major ones i.e. Basketball, American football, Basball for U.S.A. and Football, Rugby and Cricket for the U.K. You should mention famous events, how many people watch the sports, how famous they are around the world, how famous they are in Korea and anything else you can think of. You should explain rules about 2 or 3 sports from each country. For example, talk about basketball, American Football, Cricket and Football. You can mention the difference between American football and English football. Mention the game you played in homeroom day and if you liked it or did not like it. The game was dodgeball and it is an American sport.
4) Culture
Culture can mean many different things. However, Sports, History and food and drink have already been talked about. Therefore, you must mention everything else you can think of. You should speak about public holidays, the weather, accents, different states (U.S.A) and different countries (U.K.)
3. Holiday destinations 발표자
This speech should be based on what you did last time for the PPT. Talk about your favourite holiday destination. You should mention the sites, culture, language, population, food, things to do there, history and anything else you can think of. You should talk about some of things in depth. Do not just mention them. Please try to talk about them as much as you can. For example, what do you want to do there? why? How is the place different to Cheongju? How is it different to Korea? What would make you happy about being there?


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