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[Homework] 11월 11일 - 게시글 상세보기
[Homework] 11월 11일
작성자 청주센터 조회 2438 등록일 2015/11/12
* 크리스틴샘 숙제
"Write about how you think you have changed this year. Tell me how you are different from when gifted started.  Remember to write 100 words please, I will be counting!"

- 종강식 발표자: Ari, Sally, Judy, Kelly(A반) / Christine, Julia, Berry, Lucy(B반)
 : 저널 발표자는 발표문 수정해서 월요일까지 외워오고 월요일에 발표문 가져오기, 월요일에 연습함
 : Farewell Speech 발표자는 발표문 외워오기, 월요일에 연습함
You must have your speech ready to go for Monday, because they will be presenting in front of the class to practice. 
The students doing the journal presentation should re-write their journals one more to time to make the changes I added and try to memorize it for Monday. They may bring in the speech to help them present on Monday. 
The students doing the valedictorian speech should also try to memorize their speech and bring it in on Monday to present. 

* 제이콥샘 숙제
- 아래 언급된 친구들은 아래 질문에 대답하여 제이콥샘 이메일로 보내세요.

B Class : Hannah Victoria Elena Rose Eric
A Class : Duke Jessica Julia Kelly Maria

They need to answer the following questions:
What should we do at the party? (Noraebang (in the auditorium), Movie, Games)
If you picked movie, which movie do you suggest?
If you picked games, what games do you suggest? 
What should we eat/drink at the party?
Please have them contact me by email (jdavidsparham@gmail.com) or kakao (ID: jdavidsparham)
다음글, 이전글 보기
다음글 11월 16일 단체사진
이전글 [알림] 2학기 영어영재과정 공개수업
  • 로그인 또는 실명 인증 후 만족도 서비스를 이용 하실 수 있습니다.
부서명 : 충청북도국제교육원 교수팀
연락처 : 043-251-8716~8