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여름방학 숙제 3 - Christine's HW - 게시글 상세보기
여름방학 숙제 3 - Christine's HW
작성자 청주센터 조회 2476 등록일 2015/07/27

Weekly Journal – Summer Vacation

Answer one question a week while you are on vacation. You must write at least 100 words per week. Answer the questions using a 5 paragraph format.

Paragraph 1: Introduce topic and three supporting ideas
Paragraph 2: Reason 1 and why
Paragraph 3: Reason 2 and why
Paragraph 4: Reason 3 and why
Paragraph 5: Conclusion and re-state three supporting ideas
Week 1:
What would you do if someone gave you 1 billion won?

Week 2:
Could you ever be a vegetarian (someone who doesn’t eat meat)? Why or Why not?

Week 3:
What would you do if you woke up one morning to find yourself invisible (no one could see you)?

Week 4:
Write about three things that you like about yourself and why?

< 주별 저널 쓰기 >
1. 주별 주제를 확인하세요.
2. 100 단어 이상 써야 합니다. (100자가 아니고, 100 단어입니다.)
3. 위의 설명을 참조하여 5 paragraph format을 유지하세요.


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다음글 Research Paper 숙제에 관하여
이전글 여름방학 숙제 2 - Research paper
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부서명 : 충청북도국제교육원 교수팀
연락처 : 043-251-8716~8