
게시글 검색결과 - 2,361건

청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.04.14
Homework: Essay Please TYPE a 2 page essay, answering the questions below. You must use font size 12 and using double line spacing. Make sure your English name and number are at the top of each page. - Give a short summary of Monday's and Wednesday's classes - Define "leader" in your own words - Define "follower in your own words - What do you think are the most impo...
북부운영팀(충주) | 영재교육원 공지사항 | 2015.04.14
2015. 영어영재학급 학부모 공개수업   1. 목적 ? 영어영재학급 내실화를 위한 학부모 대상 공개 수업 ? 학부모 대상 공개수업 운영으로 공교육 기관의 역할 강화   2. 방침 ? 영어영재학급 학부모를 대상으로 실시한다. ? 의사소통능력 신장을 위한 다양한 Speaking 중심 수업을 진행한다.     3. 세부 운영 계획 가. 일 시 : 2015년 4월 20일(월...
북부운영팀(충주) | 영재교육원 공지사항 | 2015.04.14
**초등** “Do you think it is good to play sports?” Explain why do you think it is good or not good” “What is your favorite sport to play or watch”? **중등** "If their articles are incomplete, they must finish them."
청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.04.12
북부운영팀(충주) | 영재교육원 공지사항 | 2015.04.10
**초등** ? My Favorite Film Writing Exercise worksheet, in which they must write about their favorite movie as well as fix grammar mistakes and insert new vocabulary Spelling Bee Crossword puzzle in which they will learn new words **중등** 4월 1일 과제 완성해오기
청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.04.08
We'll have leadership classes next week. I hope that all of you will be here. Girls please wear pants, not skirts next Monday. Thanks. 다음주 4/13(월), 4/15(수), 4/20(월) 총5시간 동안 원어민 선생님의 리더십 수업이 있
청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.04.08
< Sean샘 숙제 > Make a PPT about your dream holiday destination (between 8 - 15 slides)   Things to consider; . Where is your perfect holiday destination? . What makes the place special?  . What are your goals for the trip? . Who else will be there?  . How long will you go on holiday for?&...
청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.04.07
Your portfolio will be checked on Apr. 13th. You've got "your own folder" on Mar. 16th. Put all the materials in your folder and bring it on Apr. 13th(Mon). (Materials include what you've
청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.04.07
라이언샘 숙제 1) Conjunctions Grammar Worksheet (문법 접속사 유인물) 2) Storybook: write down 1 idea for theme/genre and 2 ideas for characters (이야기책: 주제에 관한 생각 하나, 인물에 대한 생각 두가지를 써오세요.) * The better you do your homework, the more energy your teachers get! (여러분이 숙제를 잘해오면, 여러분의 선생님들은 더 많은 에너지를 얻습니...
청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.04.05
movie advertise
청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.04.03
션샘 숙제 The students need to make their own advertisement for their movie. It can be in poster form, a newspaper clip or anything they want. It would be better to bring in a physical form i.e. on paper. They can put it on a ppt or docum
북부운영팀(충주) | 영재교육원 공지사항 | 2015.04.01
**초등** Find 10 vocabulary words you didn’t know before. Write the definition for each word. Write a sentence for each word. **중등**  나눠준 과제지의 지문을 읽고 물음에 답해오기(과제지 다운로등하여 사용가능)
북부운영팀(충주) | 영재교육원 공지사항 | 2015.03.30
*초등* Students-will write an introductory letter to a penpal in the United States! They will ask questions and talk about themselves. *중등* If anybody hasn’t completed their article, they will take it home to finish for next Monday. Writing activity: Ø Students will be given individual prompts on a slip of paper. Ø Each slip will have five random English words that can easily be...
청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.03.29
청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.03.28
book report