청주운영팀 | 홍보자료 | 2011.02.10
Half of foreign spouses identify as liberal
A foreign resident asks a question during the annual town meeting at Seoul City Hall on Dec. 17. (Seoul City)
About half of foreign spouses here consider themselves progressive and are willing to participate in political activities such as voting, a study showed Tuesday.
For her master&r...
북부운영팀(충주) | 홍보자료 | 2011.02.10
Half of foreign spouses identify as liberal
A foreign resident asks a question during the annual town meeting at Seoul City Hall on Dec. 17. (Seoul City)
About half of foreign spouses here consider themselves progressive and are willing to participate in political activities such as voting, a study showed Tuesday.
For her master&r...
북부운영팀(제천) | 홍보자료 | 2011.02.10
Half of foreign spouses identify as liberal
A foreign resident asks a question during the annual town meeting at Seoul City Hall on Dec. 17. (Seoul City)
About half of foreign spouses here consider themselves progressive and are willing to participate in political activities such as voting, a study showed Tuesday.
For her master&r...
남부운영팀 | 홍보자료 | 2011.02.10
Half of foreign spouses identify as liberal
A foreign resident asks a question during the annual town meeting at Seoul City Hall on Dec. 17. (Seoul City)
About half of foreign spouses here consider themselves progressive and are willing to participate in political activities such as voting, a study showed Tuesday.
For her master&r...
다문화교육지원센터 | 홍보자료 | 2011.02.10
Half of foreign spouses identify as liberal
A foreign resident asks a question during the annual town meeting at Seoul City Hall on Dec. 17. (Seoul City)
About half of foreign spouses here consider themselves progressive and are willing to participate in political activities such as voting, a study showed Tuesday.
For her master&r...
충청북도국제교육원 | 홍보자료 | 2011.02.10
Half of foreign spouses identify as liberal
A foreign resident asks a question during the annual town meeting at Seoul City Hall on Dec. 17. (Seoul City)
About half of foreign spouses here consider themselves progressive and are willing to participate in political activities such as voting, a study showed Tuesday.
For her master&r...
중부운영팀 | 홍보자료 | 2010.12.29
2010년 12월 23(목)일 충주성모학교에서 운영되었던 이동캠프 보도자료입니다.
1. 충청타임즈 : http://www.cctimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=225903
청주운영팀 | 홍보자료 | 2010.12.29
2010년 12월 23(목)일 충주성모학교에서 운영되었던 이동캠프 보도자료입니다.
1. 충청타임즈 : http://www.cctimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=225903
북부운영팀(충주) | 홍보자료 | 2010.12.29
2010년 12월 23(목)일 충주성모학교에서 운영되었던 이동캠프 보도자료입니다.
1. 충청타임즈 : http://www.cctimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=225903
북부운영팀(제천) | 홍보자료 | 2010.12.29
2010년 12월 23(목)일 충주성모학교에서 운영되었던 이동캠프 보도자료입니다.
1. 충청타임즈 : http://www.cctimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=225903
남부운영팀 | 홍보자료 | 2010.12.29
2010년 12월 23(목)일 충주성모학교에서 운영되었던 이동캠프 보도자료입니다.
1. 충청타임즈 : http://www.cctimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=225903
다문화교육지원센터 | 홍보자료 | 2010.12.29
2010년 12월 23(목)일 충주성모학교에서 운영되었던 이동캠프 보도자료입니다.
1. 충청타임즈 : http://www.cctimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=225903
충청북도국제교육원 | 홍보자료 | 2010.12.29
2010년 12월 23(목)일 충주성모학교에서 운영되었던 이동캠프 보도자료입니다.
1. 충청타임즈 : http://www.cctimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=225903
중부운영팀 | 홍보자료 | 2010.10.12
2010 중등심화과정 1~3기 보도자료입니다.
중학교 1학년을 대상으로 2010 겨울방학과 여름방학 기간중에 운영되었습니다.
1. 충청타임즈 : http://www.cctimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=181396
중부운영팀 | 홍보자료 | 2010.10.12
중등심화상급과정은 2010년에 신설된 과정으로 중학교 2학년을 대상으로 여름방학동안 3주동안 운영되었습니다. 인도대사관의 브안뿌이 사와이 서기관님을 강사로 초청하여 인도의 과거와 현재 및 미래에 관한 강연을 듣는 시간도 가졌습니다.
1. 충청타임즈 : http://www.cctimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=205678