청주운영팀 | 홍보자료 | 2015.05.26
2015년 「중등영어심화과정(2기)」참가자 모집 관련 보도자료입니다.
1. 아시아뉴스통신: http://www.anewsa.com/detail.php?number=831891&thread=09r02
2. 중부매일: http://www.jbnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=661360
3. 충북일보: http://www.inews365.com/news/article.html?no=397860
4. 국제뉴스: http://www.gukjenews.com/new...
북부운영팀(충주) | 홍보자료 | 2015.05.26
2015년 「중등영어심화과정(2기)」참가자 모집 관련 보도자료입니다.
1. 아시아뉴스통신: http://www.anewsa.com/detail.php?number=831891&thread=09r02
2. 중부매일: http://www.jbnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=661360
3. 충북일보: http://www.inews365.com/news/article.html?no=397860
4. 국제뉴스: http://www.gukjenews.com/new...
북부운영팀(제천) | 홍보자료 | 2015.05.26
2015년 「중등영어심화과정(2기)」참가자 모집 관련 보도자료입니다.
1. 아시아뉴스통신: http://www.anewsa.com/detail.php?number=831891&thread=09r02
2. 중부매일: http://www.jbnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=661360
3. 충북일보: http://www.inews365.com/news/article.html?no=397860
4. 국제뉴스: http://www.gukjenews.com/new...
남부운영팀 | 홍보자료 | 2015.05.26
2015년 「중등영어심화과정(2기)」참가자 모집 관련 보도자료입니다.
1. 아시아뉴스통신: http://www.anewsa.com/detail.php?number=831891&thread=09r02
2. 중부매일: http://www.jbnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=661360
3. 충북일보: http://www.inews365.com/news/article.html?no=397860
4. 국제뉴스: http://www.gukjenews.com/new...
다문화교육지원센터 | 홍보자료 | 2015.05.26
2015년 「중등영어심화과정(2기)」참가자 모집 관련 보도자료입니다.
1. 아시아뉴스통신: http://www.anewsa.com/detail.php?number=831891&thread=09r02
2. 중부매일: http://www.jbnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=661360
3. 충북일보: http://www.inews365.com/news/article.html?no=397860
4. 국제뉴스: http://www.gukjenews.com/new...
충청북도국제교육원 | 홍보자료 | 2015.05.26
2015년 「중등영어심화과정(2기)」참가자 모집 관련 보도자료입니다.
1. 아시아뉴스통신: http://www.anewsa.com/detail.php?number=831891&thread=09r02
2. 중부매일: http://www.jbnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=661360
3. 충북일보: http://www.inews365.com/news/article.html?no=397860
4. 국제뉴스: http://www.gukjenews.com/new...
청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.05.21
* Sean 샘 숙제
Students must swap their PPT's with a classmate. After you have done that you need to mark their classmates PPT. You need to look for grammar problems, points about the culture that may be wrong and anything else they can think of.
Some students did not do their PPT's before so th...
청주운영팀 | 초등자료실 | 2015.05.21
* Jacob샘 숙제 : p. 85~88
* Christine샘 숙제
Students must prepare a "How To" presentation for class on Monday June 1st, 2015. You must come in with a 2 minute presentation explaining how to do something. You can explain how to do anything like "How to tie your shoes" or "how to make a sandwich." Students must bring in an...
청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.05.19
Ryan's Homework Instructions:
Answer the following Story Prompt questions.
You do NOT need to write another 300-word story for this homework assignment. Just answer the questions in a few words! (이번 숙제에서 다시 300 단어 이야기를 쓸 필요는 없고, 아래 대답만 하면 됩니다.)
There are 4 blank spaces where you must CHOOSE from the LIST – 1. Place, ...
북부운영팀(충주) | 영재교육원 공지사항 | 2015.05.19
영어영재반 5~6월 수업 안내
24 / 31
북부운영팀(충주) | 영재교육원 공지사항 | 2015.05.19
“Which animal would you most like to have for a pet. Why?” Which animal would you be most scared of running into in real life”?
청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.05.15
5월 18일(월)은 홈룸데이입니다.
영국, 미국 문화에 대한 C,D반 합반수업이 있을 예정이니 6:10분까지 강당으로 오세요.
그 날 수업 전에 중등 영재과정 학생 전체 미팅이 있을 예정이니
시간에 늦지 않도록 해주세요.
Have a nice weekend, lovely gifted students! :)
청주운영팀 | 초등자료실 | 2015.05.14
* Christine 샘 숙제
In pairs students must write their own news story that they will present as a news cast for Monday's class. Students can use a real news story and write a script about it or they can make up a fictional news story about anything. The more creative it is the better! Students should aim for their news story to be 3 minutes long so that each person in the partnership m...
청주운영팀 | 중등자료실 | 2015.05.14
* Sean 샘 숙제
Students need to consider which they prefer, British or American culture and why. They do not need to type anything up or make a PPT but they must research the culture by using the previous homeroom day lessons as a basis.
(5월 18일 홈룸데이 수업이 원활하게 진행될 수 있도록 영국과 미국 문화에 대해서, 그리고 어떤 문화를 더 좋아하는지, 왜 그런지 '조사&...
북부운영팀(충주) | 영재교육원 공지사항 | 2015.05.14
· (If not completed in class) Journal #3: The Birthday Party
? Find 5 ITEMS in your house and describe them with your senses:
? Touch: It feels like ______________
? Sight: It looks like ______________
? Hearing: It sounds like ______________
? Smell: It smells like ______________
? Taste: It tastes like _________________
? Complete your ‘Person who I ...